Sunday, March 30, 2014

Completed our training and ready to go!!!

We travelled to the capital city, Managua, this weekend to receive our OANSA training.  This training was important due to the different culture and financial situation here in Nicaragua in comparison to the U.S.  The volunteer staff (yes, they are all volunteers like at home) were very friendly and ready to help.  They encouraged us by stating that they have been praying for missionaries to come and help them.  Right now there are 13 OANSA clubs and only in Managua.  We are excited about the opportunities that are available through OANSA to reach children & their parents AND other adults watching what is happening through the clubs in Matagalpa.

We did receive much information to process and learn how to implement.  The club does cost a yearly membership for each church and/or village.  There are costs for materials and equipment also.  The cost, of course, is nothing to our American standards but this will be hard to figure out in the villages that struggle just to provide food to feed their family.  Along with the money aspect, some of the villages do not have mature Christian adults (yet) that could lead the club.  Thankfully, we have the permission to proceed with the teaching and games, etc. while we figure this out.  We will walk through this slowly and allow God to make the way clear.  We feel the churches here in the city - that are already well established - will be able to have a functioning club after their training along with some overseeing for a while.  But this is what discipling and multiplying is all about.  We never want anyone reliant on us...only God.  We want to be here to teach and lead so then they can take over and do the same for others.  Also, we do not want to bring our "American" ways in this either.  That is why the OANSA program is so awesome!  What better way to become more reliant on God then to learn His Word...His love letter to us.  God's Word, not human words or ways, change people.  He speaks to each individual wherever they may whatever situation...through His love letter to us.  Thank you Father for being a loving, caring, and personal God!   

These are all our thoughts and plans at the moment.  We look forward to sharing how God proceeds with this program and how He changes us in the process.  Yes, we are here to share God's Word and love to others, but we know that when He uses us He will change us also.  Our prayer is that we will remain faithful in the work He has given and ONLY give Him the glory for what is done.

Prayer Requests:
*Open doors for OANSA in the churches here in Matagalpa and surrounding villages
*Godly Leaders to rise up in each church that can lead the OANSA programs
*Extra money for a rental vehicle every Monday (around $400 per month) or extra money to buy a used vehicle.  This vehicle will help us reach more villages in the surrounding areas.
*Adjustment - physically and mentally  
**Praise:  Great training and partnership with the OANSA base in Managua, our house becoming more like a home, Nicaraguan translators that have helped us thus far, the peace that God has given us while here, our prayer and financial supporters

Thank you all for taking the time to read our blog and pray over each request!
The Perry Gang
Manfred is one of the translators that the Harbinson's introduced us to the first night we arrived.  Bryson and Manfred became friends quickly. 
Lorenzo & Abril were the two volunteers that helped train us this weekend.  We were thankful for their service to our Lord and kindness towards us.
We had a visit from some of the children in one of their clubs in Managua. 


We were able to purchase some of the start up materials.  Lorenzo gave us the "Planting Seeds"
manuals on his expense (Fundamentos de la Fe).  This is another program that will newly be started.  In fact, we might be the first ones to use it if there is enough interest and volunteers for the training.  This OANSA program is a cheaper version of the one that is currently used.  
We are VERY excited about using these items soon!!!  Please help us pray!

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