Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On Monday, we travelled to the village of San Antonio where Eric teaches a Bible study.  We were praying that the Pastor would allow us to help him start an OANSA club with the children of his village.  To get there - the cheapest way possible - we got to travel by several different means:  walking, bus, taxi, walking again.  I couldn't help but think of the song, "Over the river and through the woods..."  It was a long and exhausting day, but the eternal rewards outweigh the trouble.  We have added another big prayer request regarding the travel though.  More on that at the end.
Below are pictures of Monday's activities.

We began by walking 10 - 15 minutes to the bus station.  Once there we had to wait a while for the right bus to come along. 

This is our friend, Wesley, that Eric introduced us to a year or so ago.  He also helped Eric translate.  Do you notice the "photo bomber" in the back?  He had fun with that!

Once the right bus arrived the fun began.  Eric knows the tricks.  He literally jumped on the back and pushed his way through.  Thankfully, he somehow saved us a seat because we weren't so brave.  This was a little bit scary for me because of my kids.  I thought of the footage of the "Black Friday" sales back home.  All the people pushing and shoving regardless of the others around.  

Once on, our personal space/bubble was busted and we squeezed as much as possible.  I can't begin to imagine how people were on that bus.  I literally just began to pray for God to allow us another traveling solution.  Not only is this process difficult but time consuming.  The time it takes to walk to the bus station, ride the bus (@ 1 1/2 hours ride), then rent a taxi (@ 10 minute ride), and finally walk to the village (@ 10 minutes) - there and back - we could reach 2 or 3 villages.  We were gone around 8 hours and had only 1 1/2 hours with the one village.  Plus, we were trying to figure out how we would also bring the supplies with us for OANSA on this crowded bus! 
We are praying for God to provide extra money to either rent a vehicle every Monday (@ $400 per month) or, an even bigger miracle, to provide money to buy a used vehicle to share with the Harbinson's as we work alongside of them in our ministries.  We don't know God's timeframe, but we will trust that God will provide.  In the meantime, we will continue to go to the village because that is what God asks and we want to obey.  Seeing those children was well worth the travel craziness!  Please help us pray over this request. 

 Jeremy trying to make his way to us.
Avery was getting really close to the side of the bus.  Some time during our ride we had some kind of liquid land on our faces.  It wasn't raining, so we were hoping it wasn't spit or something.  Ew!  lol
 As Eric says, "There is always room for one more here!"
They got to stand for the 1 1/2 hour ride.
 After arriving by bus, then taxi, we finished the walk to the village.  It was quite beautiful!
 We thought we were just coming to listen to Eric teach and talk to the Pastor about OANSA, but he wanted us to play some of the games.  We didn't have any supplies so we got creative.  Jeremy and Greyson are talking about the plan to construct the game circle with rocks and soda bottles for the pins.

Some of the kids of the village arrived and were watching the crazy gringos!  :)

The kids demonstrated the first game. 

There were a few brave children that wanted to participate.  We know the more we come and with the game equipment the more the children will become involved.
 Wesley explaining the game in Spanish.
The kids demonstrating another game.

Time for Eric's Bible study.  He usually has several teenagers but there must have been a school event to prevent their attendance.  He had to be flexible with the lesson since there were many children that came.

She is why we want to help the village start an OANSA club. 
 And her...
 And him...

 Jeremy and Pastor Frank.  We are excited about the future partnership.  Please pray that God will keep the doors open to this ministry.
 After around 1 1/2 hours, we start the trek back...
Thankfully, the bus ride back wasn't as crowded!

We were exhausted though!  But this exhaustion is great!
We joked on the way home that we sure hoped our water wasn't turned off because we were soaked with sweat and covered in dirt.  Guess what?  The water was off.  :)  Thankfully, we have a water tank, but it comes out in a trickle and very cold.  But we were happy to just wash off even though our teeth were chattering during the washing.  LOL!  Then we noticed our internet was off!  And we saw the biggest cockroaches we have ever seen.  Wendy Harbinson warned me!  Ew!!  God is stretching us.  Again, we know the uncomfortableness will be worth it in the end.
Thank you all for your prayers for this day.  We prayed the Pastor would be open to the OANSA club and he was.  We prayed that our stomachs would behave since bathrooms are very rare and they did.  God is faithful!  Please help us pray now for God to allow us to have a rental vehicle each Monday or own a used vehicle to share with the Harbinsons.  We also met with another Pastor that has a village near San Antonia that is interested in OANSA.  We will meet with him some more next week and demonstrate the club on our way to San Antonia.  Please pray for that opportunity.  And above all please pray for hearts to be open to hear God's Word and believe in Jesus as their Savior.
Thank you all!!! 


  1. God is at work through you Perry Family!! Prayers are with you all!! Watch out for those big roaches!!

  2. Wendy this is really exciting to see and read! God has you there now and you and your family are sold out, full on!! Be a fool for the gospel and keep writing so we know how to pray! Give them Heaven!
