Thursday, March 20, 2014

We have arrived!

Tuesday, March 18th we started our full time missions (physical) journey to Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
For a couple of weeks prior we had lots of time fellowshipping with family and friends.  It still was a tearful goodbye...but we are excited to see what God has planned for the future.

We arrived in the capital city, Managua, around 8:00 p.m. (10 p.m. N.C. time).  Eric Harbinson, a fellow WCC friend and missionary in Matagalpa, picked us up along with 2 of his Nicaraguan friends.  We finally arrived in Matagalpa and our new home around 11:00 p.m. Eric, Wendy (his wife), and Kaylee (their daughter) had a nice welcome for us!  They have been a HUGE help in this moving process.  They found our rental home and orchestrated the repairs needed.  We are very thankful for their help!!  After going through all our luggage and finding necessary items we finally fell into our new beds around 1 a.m. 

The next morning Eric, Jeremy, Greyson, and I went back to Managua to meet Eric's Landlady.  She was another blessing because she helped by taking us to a special discount store to buy some of the items we needed for our home:  refrigerator, washing machine, kitchen table/chairs, t.v., etc.  Jeremy had to get his coffee pot too!  We will be having another blessing next week also.  A missionary couple that will be leaving next week is donating several of their household items:  stove, rocking chairs, plastic table/chairs, storage items, etc.  We are continually amazed by God's provision.  This couple will actually be going to Ecuador to help other missionaries.

No, we really didn't ride in the back on the way home.  This picture was Eric's idea to scare my Mom and mother-in-law.  :)

Our first meal (breakfast) around our new table in Nicaragua.  For me, this brought a lot of comfort and a bit of normalcy.  I enjoy our meals together like this...lots of communicating and laughing!   

Meet our new dishwasher...or dishwashers.  :)  I think Greyson still needs to learn a few things.

Our new washing machine.  Love it!  It is nice when the water is not cut off.  If the water is turned off - which seems to be a lot these last 2 days - we fill it up bucket by bucket.  But it still washes and I don't have to do it by hand!  No complaints here!!

The Dryer.  This might sound odd, but I sort of enjoy this part.  Now maybe in a few months my opinion might change but right now it is neat.

Next weekend - March 29 & 30 we will have our OANSA (AWANA) training in Managua.  The Harbinson's have set us up with a great translator for the weekend.  Plus, they are going to come along to be our chaperones in the big city.  :)

Prayer Requests:
*OANSA training
*Adjustment for the family
**Learning Spanish - I so long to talk with about every woman and child that I see.  I know the whole family feels this way.  We want to know the language NOW, but know this will take a while.  Please pray that God will open our ears and mouths quickly to understand and speak

Thank you all for your prayers and checking up on us!
Much Love and Gratitude,
The Perry Gang


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So glad you made it there safely. Love the pictures and the update. I especially LOVE your view where you get to hang up your clothes!!! Praying for you.

  3. Great pics. Thanks for the update! Only you would like hanging up your clothes Wendy!! ;) Glad things are going so smoothly with the setup!! Praying for great things.

  4. Love this!! I am so glad you posted some pictures. Praying for you!!
