Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Jeremy's Side...

      Moving to Nicaragua has been a real journey for me.  Not being able to speak the language has been a huge barrier in itself.  Just getting used to the culture has been a big adjustment also.  While my wife, kids, and I have been adjusting well I know that there will still be much more ahead.

       I can see God’s hand all over this country.  It is such a beautiful place.  I can also see His will for our lives here as I watch how each member of the family has their own way of ministering to the children of the villages and in Matagalpa. 
        I have enjoyed getting to spend more time with my family, especially in the ministry area.  I worked two jobs for eighteen years, so this change has been a pleasant experience for me.  Through those years of working in harsh environments I grew a tough outer layer.  Now God is teaching me slowly – through spending more time in His Word - how to interact more with my family.  I have gotten to see an in-depth look into the lives of my wife and children.  I get tired just watching my wife as she is always on the go and doing things for the ministry.   She really does a great job balancing between the kids and the ministry and I am glad that I am able to help more with the everyday house chores now. 
        Going out to the villages had really been a great experience as well.  The kids really look forward to the games and the Bible study.  Our children are a big help as they do their jobs in the ministry and make friendships with all the kids.  I am thankful to be their Dad.  And God has been working in me through my role as Game Leader.  He has been teaching me the importance of preparation, patience, and showing His love.  I enjoy seeing their excitement each week when we play the games.   
       The language barrier has also brought some great laughs.  Just last Friday, my wife asked a Nicaraguan lady if she had eyes.  She was really trying to ask her if she had kids – “ojos vs. hijos”.  Our friend, Alison, was here to catch the mistake and correct it, but she got a good laugh too.  I’m sure I will have moments like this, too, in the future. 
      While I am not a very savvy with technology, I hope I can share more in the future.  My wife does a great job with all the computer work and keeping everyone up to date with our ministry, but I know it is important for others to see my side of this adventure also. 
       I look forward to what God has in store for us here and how He is going to use our family for the ministry.  Thank you all for praying for us.  Please continue.




1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear from you, Jeremy. I love this: "...I watch how each member of the family has their own way of ministering to the children of the villages and in Matagalpa." I am thankful too that this ministry affords you more time with Wendy and the children. You are such a gift to our family.
