Tuesday, July 2, 2013

No Lazy Days of Summer Here!

This past week was extremely BUSY, but that is how we work around the Perry house.  :)

Each day was filled with activities that we know will prepare us for the mission field.  Actually, we are looking at each event, activity, etc. differently now.  We are taking each day as more training from God.  This equipping/training will be useful here or in our future location.  Of course, each of us, Christians, should look at each day this way.  God has a purpose for us every day He allows us to live.  We need to be actively looking and seeking His Holy Spirit's guiding.  I, Wendy,  know I can become too busy at times to hear His calling.  I pray I can become more sensitive to His calling!

Now to summarize our past week...

Monday through Wednesday morning my sister, Susan, ran a volleyball camp for 6th graders and up.  I was able to help her in the coaching and our daughter, Avery, was able to participate.  This was an enjoyable experience!  I LOVE volleyball and I was able to learn a great amount from my sister.  Thankfully, volleyball is one of Nicaragua's favorite sports!!!  YAY!  If God opens that door in Nicaragua we hope to minister through the sport.  What a great way to reach the youth.  This could easily be a time of fellowship, shining for Him, and even opening God's Word through a short devotion at water breaks.

Monday through Friday nights from 6:30 -8:30 our church had Vacation Bible School.  I honestly look forward to this week every year!  I have fond memories of my VBS days as a child.  I want other children to feel the same way.  I was given the privilege to teach a couple of the nights and I, of course, love that also!  This year was a little different for me.    The outreach focus this year for our VBS was bringing in canned food to help restock the Cabarrus County Food Pantry.  Our children's Pastor, Brett, created a "friendly" competition for our children.  If the girls brought in more canned food than the boys then Pastor Brett got a pie in the face.  If the boys brought in more canned food guess who got a pie in the face??...Me!  Then he added a twist.  Each child who brought in 20 cans was able to throw a pie at either one of us.  Well, the boys won, but both of us got many pies in the face!  I'm still trying to get the cool whip smell out of my clothes!!  It was a messy night but well worth it since the children brought in a total of 595 cans!  Praise God!
Avery is the third from the left.  She did a wonderful job helping the children worship.
We were proud of her because this was not in her "comfort zone".
             As the kids say, "Mom, getting into her teaching."  I can't help but talk with my hands.  :)

Friday morning the kids and I were able to help with an outreach that my friend, Carolyn, heads up.  I call it the Harvest ministry.  While her Pastor's wife teaches English to a group of Hispanic ladies we are allowed the honor of teaching their children.  I wish you all could see their beautiful smiling faces!  There were 14 children there ready to learn God's Word and participate in some fun.  Carolyn had some creative craft projects and snack.  I was able to teach God's Word about the creation of Adam and Eve.  Greyson, Avery, Addyson, and Bryson were wonderful helpers, along with Carolyn's children.  I'm always proud of them.  They jump right in and do whatever we ask.  Greyson and Avery are great helpers with crafts, etc.  Addyson & Bryson are great at playing along with the kids.  :)  We look forward to being involved in this outreach the remaining of the summer.  I hope to have a picture of the group next time we meet.

On Sunday, we were able to visit two churches and share our Nicaragua Full Time Mission plans.  Each one of us spoke, since this is a family affair!  We were all very nervous, but God took over.  We are especially proud of Jeremy.  As he will state many times over, he is not called to be a preacher.  He feels his spiritual gift is service.  So stepping out of his comfort zone to speak to two congregations really "stretched" him.  He did a fabulous job and we know God was in it all!  The churches were very friendly.  They will always hold a special place in our hearts for being the first churches that welcomed us so warmly.

To end this update we would like to post some prayer requests:

*Harvest ministry - On the 12th I will be teaching the children about the "the Fall".  Please pray that the children's eyes will be open to seeing their sin and need of Jesus, our Savior.

*For more churches to allow us to present our Nicaragua plans and financially support us.  :)

*Upcoming Youth Camps.  In a couple of weeks Greyson, Avery, and I will be going
to an AWANA camp in the area of Polkville, NC.  Greyson and Avery have gone to the camp for many years, but this will be the first time for me.  I have the privilege to be a camp counselor.
Also, the following week our church will have a camp for our teens called "I Love Cabarrus".  Again, Greyson and Avery have been involved with this camp in the past years.  This year I hope to help with some of their outreaches.  More experiences and training ahead!!

*Jeremy, my hard working husband and terrific father, as he leads his crazy wife and energetic kids!  As most of you know, he works two jobs.  He has done this our entire married life - without complaint.  Please pray for him as he strives to be a Godly example in his work place and as he tries to juggle the
new responsibilities pertaining to our full time mission goals.

*For God to help us learn the Spanish language.

Thank you in advance for you prayers!!!

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