For those that do not know, the AWANA MaxOut Camp is for any rising fifth graders to seniors that have completed an entire AWANA book from the past year. This camp is filled with young adults that have learned many verses and Bible truths. They encourage and inspire me so much. This year 57 were in attendance - 31 of them were from my home church. Go West Cabarrus!! :) The young adults were split into color group teams: red, yellow, blue, and green. They competed in games, Bible quizzing, and verse memorization. Along with that fun, they had morning devotions, morning chapel, evening chapel, and nightly devotions. Needless to say, these young adults were being greatly enriched by the Word of God. The campers were taught the main point from each New Testament book through the Walk Thru the Bible program and taught deep truths (meat) from the book of Romans nightly.
I came away exhausted, with lots of smelly clothes, a greater love for God's Word, and deep appreciation for a wonderful group of young adults. God started prepping me before this week for an important lesson He wanted me to learn. Then He clearly showed me what I needed to learn during the week. I am a "doer". If there is something that needs to be done I will do everything I can to complete the task. God showed me last week that He wants me to allow others to help in the "doing"...mainly young adults that are ready to share God's Word. I need to invest my time in helping them do just that: share God's Word. At camp, I saw MANY young adults, strong in His Word, leading the younger students. I saw the training and discipling that was poured into these young adults over the years come to fruition. They willingly started training and discipling the younger campers. I wish you all could have seen them help the younger campers learning their verses, encouraging them in game time, and quizzing. Oh how it made my heart happy! This is what the Great Commission is all about!!! I'm so thankful it is happening here and I so look forward to being apart of the training and discipling in Nicaragua soon!
Along this thought, please pray for our students at West Cabarrus this week. They are having their "I Love Cabarrus" camp. This week the teenagers will be working in many different service projects throughout the county. Our prayer is that the love of Christ will shine through them as they connect with people in our "back yard". One of the projects I will be helping lead - VBS at a Hispanic Church. And guess what?...I'm leading but not "doing" it. The teenagers will be teaching the lessons, leading the music, and running the craft, snack, and game time stations. I can't wait to see what God will do through them! Avery, my usually quiet daughter, will be helping with teaching the children dance motions to the songs. Greyson will be teaching the Bible lesson on Wednesday. I'm so thankful for their willingness to serve God...even when it is out of their comfort zone.
Please also continue to pray for our monthly support needs. We are almost 1/3 of the way to our monthly goal need of $2,700. We give God all the praise for this!
Below are a few pictures from MaxOut Camp. Enjoy!
The Blue Team Flag.
Our Cheer.
Verse Recitation Time.
Game Time!
Of course, we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner time!
Some Fun.
Horseback riding
Yes, we even had a waterfall hike. My favorite!
Bible Quizzing
Three Happy Campers. :)
Nightly Worship and Teaching