Saturday, May 11, 2013

Today we were all involved in the AWANA Sparks Camp-A-Rama.  This camp is a special day for any second grader that has completed three books (usually 3 years of work).  Addyson and Bryson were able to attend.  This means they have learned over 150 Bible verses.  This accomplishment means a great deal to us.  We love our involvement in sports and musical activities, but growing in Christ trumps everything else.  To celebrate, the Sparks played games, went on a Nature Walk, played in bouncy houses, etc.  Jeremy was able to participate in the fun with Addyson and Bryson.  Greyson, Avery, and I were able to help in the Nature Walk.  It was a fun day for all!

The AWANA program has been a part of our lives since our oldest, Greyson, was in preschool.  We are thankful for the years that they have been involved.  The club consists of memorizing God's Word, listening to a Bible lesson, and playing games each week.  AWANA means Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed based on 2 Timothy 2:15.  We want our children to be grounded in God's Word and not ashamed to be called His child.

Since the Club means so much to us we thought it would be beneficial in Nicaragua.  One of our hopes when we move to Nicaragua is to help churches start OANSA (AWANA in Spanish) clubs.  The capital city, Managua, currently has some clubs but they would like to expand.  We pray that God will allow us to help in this goal.  Please join us in prayer over this matter.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

"Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you."  John 20:21

I love this verse for many reasons.  Jesus is sending us all out to share the Gospel.  No matter where He sends - as our Pastor says, "across the street or across the world" - we need to be ready to share the salvation message.  Since this is our very first post we want to share this most important message!  

God's perfect son, Jesus, came to earth and endured a horrific death.  The pain He suffered through the beating, whipping, and crucifixion is unimaginable, but no one can truly understand the torture He endured when EVERY sin from EVERY human was placed on Him at the cross.  Jesus took our place...our punishment...our torture...because He was the perfect sacrifice.  Thankfully, three days later Jesus arose again (like He said He would)!  Without Jesus' death and resurrection we had no way to God.  Jesus - because of His love for us - completed the work.  The "way" was then open to all that humble themselves.  The humbling comes when a person admits he/she is a sinner and is in need of the Perfect Savior, Jesus Christ.  The next step is so much easier.  Romans 10:9 states, "...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."  Confess and believe!  Yes, it is that easy.  We pray that everyone reading this post will receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  True peace will only come through Him.  

Now back to John 20:21.  There are many mission verses, but this one is special.  On the last day of our family mission trip in Nicaragua we went to see and play in a beautiful waterfall.  It was Sunday and the twins' 8th birthday.  We had a mini church service with the Harbinsons in a cave beside the gorgeous waterfall.  Eric Harbinson was sharing God's Word with us about full time missions.  During the devotion, Addyson stood up and recited John 20:21, "Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you."  She felt compelled to share this verse and I'm so thankful she did.  I'll never forget her little face as she was speaking God's Word.  Oh, the faith of a child is so sweet.  She did not fully understand at the time nor does she now know the full extent of becoming a missionary, BUT she has the faith to follow God.  

Jesus is sending ready to share His love!